This book was begun by the author's great grandmother who asked Kansas pioneer women of the latter half of the 19th century to record their early pioneer experiences. These recordings were written many years after the times they depict, when the women were old and wrote of their younger days as pioneer women in Kansas. These written accounts of 800 women are the basis for this book. As a result, the stories told are very detailed and matter of fact, about housing, education, religious beliefs, child rearing, the hardships of the land and climate, etc. Women of this era did not devulge their hearts' secrets. Furthermore the women were those contacted by the author's great grandmother. There are no blacks, native indians, prostitutes, barmaids, etc - so we have a rather select group of women. I in no way want to belittle the book. It is a result of these premises. However the result is rather dry, so not that much fun to read. I didn't finish it b/c I was so enthused to begin another book.