The Savage Dtectives

OK, I have to explode!!!
I am sick to death of hearing how many times so and so had sex with so and so and how many time he "came" on Nov 16 and Nov 18 and Nov 30 and Dec 6.... Even literature and authors are described in sexual terms. Oh, he is fagot and he is a queer and he is nymph and he is a fairy.... There is no depiction of how one feels when sex is satisfying. The speaker is seventeen and so darn ingenuous. I DO remember how sex fixated one could be at this age but this is going just too far. I have been listening to about five hours of this crap.
Now I do know that this book is about how different people view Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima - Visceral Realist poets. So when am I going to get another person's point of view, so I can leave this guy's, the one I have been listening to for five hours?
I am no prude. This is just plain boring. Line after line on the length of X's and W's and Y's comparative cock measurements really does not enthuse me. Is this going to change?
Sigh. Look, I have been told this is good. When will it improve? I hesitate to dump it when so many hours remain. When are we going to leave Mexico and visit other countries? When will something significant happen? This is boring.
Somebody please tell me this is not going to continue in this fashion.
I gave up - after listening to 7 hours of 27. Why? Primarily because it is terribly boring. The language is crude, but that is not why I dumped it. I got nothing from this book. That is why I dumped it.
If you insist on reading it I advise you to choose the paper version. The audiobook is narrated by two: Eddie Lopez and Amando Durán. What they say is clear and I have no complaints with the Spanish, BUT one cannot hear from the intonation if the speaker is a woman or a man. Neither can you tell from the text because the characters rarely introduce themselves. Many different characters speak, each using the first person narrative. Confusing! If they chose to use two narrators, why didn't they at least make one female and one male? I always ended up figuring out who was speaking, so I could keep the story straight, but the effort demanded was not worth what the book gave me in content - nothing.
If you are curious to understand what Visceral Realism is read this:
One more word - I believe this book is trying to say that man's immortality is achieved through our interactions with others. Is that so amazing?